HSC Examination (Mother)
English Second Paper
Formal Letter
1. Write an application to the Principal for providing multimedia system in classroom (R.B-2017) (Set- 03)-2019 *** / provide Wi-Fi. **
2. Write an application to the Principal for organizing an English language club. (Din.B-2017) ***
3. Write an application to the Principal for the post of sales representative with your CV. (J.B-2017) ***
4. Write an application to the Principal of your college for improving Computer Lab facilities (C.B-2017) ***/
5. Write an application to the Principal for setting up debating club in your college. (Ctg.B+Syl.B-2017) ***
6. Write an application to the Principal for providing sound system in classroom. (B.B-2017) ***
7. Write an application to the Principal of a college in Dhaka for admission on Transfer Certificate. (B.B-2016; D.B-2017)
8. Write an application to the Principal for seat in the college hostel. (D.B-2016)***
9. Write an application to the Principal of your college for setting Computer Lab (Din.B-2016) ***
10. Write an application to the Principal seeking his permission to go on a study tour. (J.B-2016) ***
11. /literary club/ English Language Club.
12. Write an application to the Principal for increasing common room facilities/library facilities. ***
13. Write an application to the Principal requesting him not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the class room or in the examination hall. ***
14. Write an application to the Principal for fresher’s reception.**
15. Write an application to the Principal seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium. **
16. Write an application to the Principal to set up a college canteen. **
17. Write an application to the Principal of a college for admission on TC. **
18. Write an application to the Principal for a testimonial.
19. Write an application to the Upazilla Chairman for the repair of the roads in your locality. ***
20. Write an application to the Union Council Chairman for the construction of a bridge over a canal. ***
21. Write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing the number of books in the college library. (Ka Set)-2019
22. Write an application to the Chairman of your Education Board for a stipend. (Kha Set- 2018)
Report Writing
1. Write a report on award/prize-giving ceremony.(R.B. 2017)***
2. Write a report on fire in a garments factory. ( Ctg.B+J.B-2016; Din.B-2017)***
3. Write a report on food adulteration.(J.B-2017) (Set-03)- 2019***
4. Write a report on observance of independence day (C.B-2017)***
5. Write a report on corruption in Bangladesh (Ctg.B-2017)***
6. Write a report on book fair. (Syl. B-2017)***
7. Celebration of the cultural programme held in your college. (B.B-2017) ***
8. Write a report on Impact of Facebook on young generation. ( J.B-2016; D.B-2017)
9. Write a report on drug addiction. (D.B-2016) (Kha Set- 2018)***
10. Write a report on life of slum dwellers. (Din.B-2016)***
11. Write a report on maintenance of tourist stop. (Syl.B-2016)***
12. Write a report on price hike. ***
13. Write a report on failure in English. (B.B-2016)***
14. Road accident you have witnessed.
15. The role of satellite channel in our present society.
16. Load-shedding in your locality.
17. A recent earthquake.
18. The problem of eve-teasing.
19. Write a report on bad effect of cutting tree./ deforestation and its effects**
20. Write a report on ‘International Mother Language Day’ (Ka set- 2018
1. Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success.***
2. Admission procedure for overseas students ***
3. Providing internet facilities ***
4. Condolence for father’s / mother’s death ***
5. To the manager of a travel agency to reserve a railway seat.
6. To the manager of a travel agency to cancel the ticket booked earlier.
7. To the Oxfort University Admission section asking them about admission procedures of overseas students. (J.B-2016) ***
8. To director of Bangla Academy to attend on seminar on language study. (Ctg.B-2016)
9. To the manager of a bank for knowing the procedure of opening a bank account.
10. To the local police station to take measures to control law and order situation.
11. To the Director of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation asking details of a tour to Cox’s Bazar.
12. To father to send your some money for buying some book.
13. To friend wishing him happy New Year.
14. To friend describing him the annual prize giving ceremony of your college.
15. To friend sharing your joys at the win of Bangladesh cricket team.
16. Inviting foreign friend to visit the country***
1. Merits and demerits of Mobile phone (B.B-2016; R.B-2017)***
2. Importance of female education (Din.B-2017)***
3. City life and Rural life (J.B-2017) ***
4. Drug addiction (J.B-2016; C.B-2017) ***
5. Positive and negative impact of Facebook (Ctg.B-2017)***
6. Food adulteration (Syl. B-2017)
7. Your country (B.B-2017) ***
8. Cause and effects of Road accidents ( R.B-2016; D.B-2017)
9. Importance of learning English (D.B-2016)***
10. Price hike (R.B-2016) ***
11. Climate change (Din.B-2016) ***
12. An ideal student (J.B-2016)***
13. Use and abuses Internet (Ctg.B-2016) ***
14. Water pollution (Syl. B-2016) ***
15. Traffic jam**
16. Food adulteration ***
17. Dowry **
18. A tea stall
19. Your school magazine
20. Child labour
21. Tree plantation
22. You visit a place of historical interest.
23. Environment Pollution (Set-03)-2019
24. Importance of Female Education (Ka Set- 2018)
25. The Celebration of Pahela Boishakh (Kha Set- 2018)
1. Your favourite personality (D.B-2015);R.B-2017)***
2. Impact of Climate change in Bangladesh (Din.B-2017)***
3. Importance of rivers in Bangladesh (J.B-2017)***
4. Water pollution (C.B-2017) ***
5. Drug addiction (C.B-10; Syl.B-2011; J.B-2016; Ctg.B-2017)***
6. Patriotism (Syl.B-2017) ***
7. Importance of internet (B.B-2017) ***
8. Female education ( Ctg.B+R.B-2016; D.B-2017)
9. Population problem in Bangladesh (2016) ***
10. Students and social service (Din.B-2016) (Kha Set- 2019) ***
11. Childhood memory (C.B-2016) * **
12. Advantage and disadvantages of city life. (B.B-2016)***
13. The wonders of modern science*** (Ka Set- 2019)
14. Digital Bangladesh
15. Female education***
16. Value of time
17. The season you like most
18. The rivers of Bangladesh
19. Your hobby
20. Empowerment of women
21. Uses and abuses of TV Channels ***
22. Career that you want to chose
23. Uses and abuses of Internet (Set-03)-2019