This is about Pronoun Reference Rules (Video). It will help you make a good result in your examination. For your satisfactory result practice more and more.

Pronoun Reference

Pronoun Reference সম্পর্কে জানার আগে আমরা  Pronoun  Basic সম্পর্কে জানব। তাতে Pronoun Reference আরো সহজ হয়ে যাবে।
What is a pronoun?

Pronoun: Noun-এরপরিবর্তেযে Word ব্যবহৃতহয়, তাকে Pronoun বলে।
Pro= পরিবর্তে, Noun= বিশেষ্য; তাই Noun-এর পরিবর্তে যে Word বসে তাকে Pronoun বলে।

একটি Sentence এ একই Noun বরাবর ব্যবহার করলে ভালো শুনায় না তাই একই Noun বারবার ব্যবহার না করে বাক্যকে শ্রুতিমধুর করার জন্য Noun এর পরিবর্তে Pronoun ব্যবহার করা হয়।

Shiraj is a boy.
Shiraj is going to school.
He is going to school. (Pronoun)

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What is an antecedent?

Antecedent শব্দটি আমরা Pronoun Reference Practice করার সময় আমরা বারাবাব শুনব। জেনে নিন Antecedent কী।
 Pronoun যে noun কে নির্দেশ করে, তাকে Antecedent বলে।

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

অন্যভাবে বলা যায়, বাক্যে Pronoun যে শব্দের পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত হয়, ঐ শব্দটিকে  Antecedent বলে।

Example: Even though the party was fun, it was crowded.
এখানে ‘it’ হল একটি pronoun যা তার পূর্ববর্তী noun ‘party’-কে নির্দেশ করে। অর্থ্যাৎ পূর্বে  ব্যবহৃত party- noun এর পরিবর্তে it ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে। অতএব ‘party’ হল ‘it’ এর antecedent.

Example: People often like parties because they get to see old friends. 
এখানে ‘they’ হল একটি pronoun যা তার পূর্ববর্তী noun- ‘people’ কে নির্দেশ করে। অতএব ‘people’ হল ‘they’ এর antecedent। যেহেতু ‘they’ এখানে ‘people’ কে নির্দেশ করে।
Pronoun আট প্রকার
Personal Pronoun: (ব্যক্তিগত সর্বনাম): কোন Pronoun যখন ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাকে Personal Pronoun বলে। 
যেমন: I, we, you. she, he, it, they etc.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)


Reflexive Pronoun:(আত্মসংগঠিত সবর্নাম):Personal Pronoun এর সঙ্গে self বাselves যুক্ত হয়ে কোন Pronoun যখন Object এর স্থানে বসে এবং Subject কে নির্দেশ করে, তাকে Reflexive Pronoun বলে।  
Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Oneself, Itself, Yourselves, Themselves, Ourselves.

Interrogative Pronoun: (প্রশ্নবোধক সর্বনাম): যে Pronoun কোনা প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করতে ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Interrogative Pronoun বলে।
What, When, Where , How, Why, Who, Which, Whose etc.
Relative Pronoun: (সম্পর্কযুক্ত সর্বনাম):যে Pronoun কোন Noun এর পরে বসে তার সাথে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করে এবং একই সগেং দুটি  Clause কে ‍যুক্ত করে, তকে  Relative Pronoun বলে।
What , When, Where, Why, Who, Which, that etc.
Demonstrative Pronoun: (নির্দেশক সর্বনাম):যে Pronoun কোন ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর রির্বতে বসে এবং ঐ ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে নির্দেশ করে, সে Pronoun কে Demonstrative Pronoun বলে।
This, That, These, Those
Indefinite Pronoun: (অনির্দিষ্ট সর্বনাম):কোন বিশেষ ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে না বুঝিয়ে অনির্দিষ্ট ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বুঝাতে যে Pronoun ব্যবহৃত হয তাকে  Indefinite Pronoun বলে।
যেমন: Any, anything, some, someone, somebody, everybody, everything, everyone, nobody, none, one, several, some, few, much, many few, little.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

Distributive Pronoun: (বণ্টনমূলক সর্বনাম):যে Pronoun দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর মধ্যে প্রত্যেককে পৃথকভাবে প্রকাশ করে, তাকে Distributive Pronoun বলে।
Each, Neither, Either.
Reciprocal Pronoun:(পরস্পর সম্পর্কিত সর্বনাম): যে  Pronoun দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তির মধ্যে পরস্পরকে বুঝায়, তাকে Reciprocal Pronoun বলে।

যেমন: Each other, One another.

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Pronoun Reference


১. বাক্যে দুই বা ততোধিক Noun ev Antecedentথাকার কারনে  Pronoun দ্বারা পূর্ববর্তী কোন্ Noun বা Antecedent  কে বোঝানো হচ্ছেতা স্পষ্ট নয়।এক্ষেত্রে  Pronoun দ্বারা পূর্ববর্তী যে Noun বা Antecedentকে বোঝানো হচ্ছে, সে Noun বা Antecedentকে Pronou এর পরিবর্তে বসিয়ে Pronoun Reference Clear করতে হয়।

Pronoun এর এজাতীয় অস্পষ্টতা বা ভুলকে Unclear/ambiguous/ faulty pronoun reference বলা হয়। কতগুলো উদহরন দিলে বিষয় টি আরো পরিষ্কার হবে।
Inc: Autism is a physical disorder of the brain which causes lifelong developmental disability. Unfortunately, a number of boys and girls become victim of it after their birth. (D.B-2019)
Corr:Autism is a physical disorder of the brain which causes lifelong developmental disability. Unfortunately, a number of boys and girls become victim of autism after their birth.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

Inc: There lived a man in a village who had a great attraction to English. The man went to a teacher in order to learn English well though he was dull-headed. He tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three words- yes, no and very good. (Ka Set-2018)

Corr: There lived a man in a village who had a great attraction to English. The man went to a teacher in order to learn English well though he was dull-headed. The teacher tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three words- yes, no and very good.


Inc: Though the autistic children are quite different in activities from the normal children, they should not be neglected. Rather, we have a great responsibility towards them. (D.B-2019)


Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

Corr: Though the autistic children are quite different in activities from the normal children, the autistic children should not be neglected. Rather, we have a great responsibility towards the autistic children.

Incorrect:Women are nowadays as important as men in society. She constitute nearly half of our total population. (C.B-2016)

Correct: Women are nowadays as important as men in society. Women constitute nearly half of our total population.

Incorrect:A rich man went to a farmer with one thousand taka in a bag. He said to him, “Look, my friend, I have bought one thousand taka for you. (Ctg. B-2017)
Correct:A rich man went to a farmer with one thousand taka in a bag. The rich man said to the farmer, “Look, my friend, I have bought one thousand taka for you.

Incorrect:He did not find any safe place. He dug a hole in his hut and kept it there. (Ctg. B-2017)
Correct:He did not find any safe place. He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money there.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

২. অনির্দিষ্ট ব্যক্তিবর্গকে বোঝাতে They ব্যবহার করা যায় না।
Incorrect: They built the house.
Correct: The engineer built the house.
Incorrect: They constructed the bridge.
Correct: The authority constructed the bridge.

৩. Pronoun Reference টি ভুল হয়, যখন Pronoun এর Antecedent টি Noun না হয়ে  Adjective হয়।
এক্ষেত্রে অবশ্যই প্রথম Noun টি কে pronoun এর পরিবর্তে বসাতে হবে।(দুটি Noun পাশাপাশি ব্যবহৃত হলে প্রথম Noun টি Adjective.)

Incorrect: The ice-cream box was empty, but we were tired of eating it.
Correct: The ice-cream box was empty, but we were tired of eating ice-cream.




Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

Mahin called Ramisa’s house all day, but she never answered the phone.
Correct: Mahin called Ramisa’s house all day, but Ramisa never answered the phone.

৪. ‘It’, ‘That’, ‘This’ কেবল নির্দিষ্ট  Noun বা Noun Phrase কে নির্দেশ করে। অনির্দিষ্ট Noun বা Noun Phrase কে নির্দেশ করতে  ‘It’, ‘That’ ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।
Incorrect:It says in the book that whales maintain strong family ties.
Correct: The book says that whales maintain strong family ties.
Green plants are the producer of the ecosystem. All plants and animals of it are interconnected serially.(Din.B-2017)
Correct: Green plants are the producer of the ecosystem. All plants and animals of the earth are interconnected serially.

. Pronoun ব্যবহৃত হয় কোন Noun বা Antecedent এর পরিবর্তে। Antecedent ছাড়া যখন কোন Pronoun ব্যবহৃত হয়, তা ত্রুটিযুক্ত বা অস্পষ্ট  Pronoun Reference | এক্ষেত্রে Subject এর Possessive form এরপর প্রথম Sentence এর Adjective এর Noun রূপ বসে।

Incorrect: Although Mrs. Haq is wealthy, she makes poor use of it.
Correct: Although Mrs. Haq is wealthy, she makes poor use of her wealth.
Incorrect: Though he was rich, he made no use of it.
Correct: Though he was rich, he made no use of his riches.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)


৬. Noun বা Antecedent টি Singular হলে Pronounটিও Singular হবে। কিন্তু, Plural হলে Pronoun টিও Plural হবে।

Incorrect:My father wants me to look after their farms instead. (B.B-2017)
Correct:My father
wants me to look after his farms instead.

Inc: Children with autism vary widely in their activities, abilities, behaviors etc. and the symptoms may appear differently in him. (D.B-2019)
Corr: Children with autism vary widely in their activities, abilities, behaviors etc. and the symptoms may appear differently in them.
Incorrect:Mendela left public life in June 2014 telling his adoring countrymen not to call them. (J.B-2017)
Correct:Mendela left public life in June 2014 telling his adoring countrymen not to call him.
Incorrect:A stormy night is fearful and horrible. They causes untold sufferings to the people. (S.B-2016)
Correct:A stormy night is fearful and horrible. Itcauses untold sufferings to the people.

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৭. And দ্বারা দুটি Singular Subject যু্ক্ত থাকলে তাদের  Pronoun Plural হবে।
Incorrect: Mr. Mahbub and Mr. Mahfuz visited his uncle’s house last week.
Correct: Mr. Mahbub and Mr. Mahfuz visited their uncle’s house last week.

৮. And দ্বারা যুক্ত দুটি Subject যদি একই ব্যক্তিকে নির্দেশ করে, তাহলে তাদের Pronoun Singular হবে।
Incorrect: The head master and secretary left for theirdestination.
Correct: The headmaster and secretary left for his destination.


৯.কিন্তু, Subject যদি ভিন্ন ভিন্ন ব্যক্তিকে নির্দেশ করে, তাহলে তাদের  Pronoun Plural হবে।
Incorrect: The poet and the philosopher were responsible for his individual works.
Correct: The poet and the philosopher were responsible for their individual works.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

১০. And দ্বারা যু্ক্ত Singular Subject গুলোর পূর্বে যদি each/ every থাকলে তাদের  Pronoun Singularহয়। কিন্তু, এক্ষেত্রেSubject গুলোর Gender (লিঙ্গ) আলাদা হলে পরে ব্যবহৃত Pronoun Plural হবে।
Incorrect: Every student and every teacher should do their duties properly.
Correct:Every student and every teacher should do his /her duties properly.

Incorrect: Each boy and each girl will get his/her prize.
Correct: Each boy and each girl will get their prize.

১১. Noun বা Antecedent টি Masculine gender হলে Pronoun টিও Masculine gender হবে| কিন্তু,  Feminine gender হলে Pronoun টিও Feminine gender হবে।
Incorrect:Salam is in class five whereas her sister, Salma, reads in class three. (R.B-2016)
Correct:Salam is in class five whereas hissister, Salma, reads in class three.
Incorrect: Mamun said to me that she is on leave yesterday.
Correct:Mamun said to me that he is on leave yesterday.

১২. Subject এবং verb এর মাঝেোন phrase or clause- antecedent এর  number কোন রিবর্তন করে না। অর্থ্যাৎ phrase or clause –এর পূর্বে যদি Singular antecedent হয় তবে singular pronoun referents হবে। কিন্তু, যদি Plural antecedent হয়ে তবে plural referent Pronounহবে।
Example: The can of lima beans sits on its shelf.
Sentence টিতে
Canএর পরের  Clause (of lima beans)টি Antecedent (Can) এর Number এর কোন পরিবর্তন করেনি।

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

১৩. কোন ব্যক্তির (Singular or plural) পরিবর্তে Subject হিসেবে Who, Object হিসেবে Whom এবং Possessive হিসেবে whose ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Inc: There lived a man in a village which had a great attraction to English.
Corr:There lived a man in a village who had a great attraction to English.
Incorrect:The frequent thundering and lightening cause much terror and fear in the mind of the people whom always think that this night may be the end of our lives. (S.B-2016)

Correct:The frequent thundering and lightening cause much terror and fear in the mind of the people who always think that this night may be the end of theirlives.
Incorrect: Mr. Rahman is a professor which teaches in a university.
Correct: Mr. Rahman is a professor who teaches in a university.
I know this person whom I met yesterday.
That is the man whose house has burned down.

১৩.  বস্তুর পরিবর্তে Relative Pronoun হিসেবে Which/ that বসে।
Incorrect:Teaching is a profession who is full of challenge. (B.B-2017)Correct: Teaching is a profession which is full of challenge.
Inc: Autism is a physical disorder of the brain who causes a life long developmental disability. (D.B-2019)
Corr: Autism is a physical disorder of the brain which causes a life long developmental disability.
Do you see the letter which comes today?
There are lots of things that I need to buy now.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

ব্যক্তির পরিবর্তে Relative Pronoun হিসেবে that বসতে পারে।
The people that live next door are friendly.
সময বোঝাতে  Relative pronoun হিসেবে When এবং স্থান বোঝাতে  Where ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Tamalika was nine when her father died.
This is the place where I hid the key.

Indefinite pronouns যখন antecedents:

(a) Singular indefinite pronoun antecedents
এর জন্য সবসময়  singular pronoun referents বসাতে হবে।


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Singular indefinite pronoun: Each, either, neither, one, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything
Example: Each of the clerks does a good deal of work around his or heroffice.
বাক্যটিতে  Singular indefinite pronoun এর কারণেReference টিও Singular হয়েছে|

(b) Plural indefinite pronoun antecedents এর জন্য সবসময় Pluralpronoun referents বসাতে হবে।
Plural indefinite pronoun:several, few, both, many
Example: Both do a good job in their office.
বাক্যটিতে Plural indefinite pronoun এর কারণেReference টিও Plural হয়েছে।

(c)কিছু কিছু indefinite pronouns- singular or plural উভয়েই ব্যবহৃত হয়:
Either singular or plural:some, any, none, all, most
এই indefinite pronouns গুলোর পর যদি preposition এর object টিuncountable হয়, তবেsingular referent pronoun বসাতে হবে।
Examples: Some of the sugar fell out of its bag.
All of the jewelry has lost its glow.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

এখানে Sugar এবং Jewelryশব্দ দটি uncountable তাই pronoun টি singular হবে।
এই indefinite pronouns গুলোর পর যদি preposition এর object টিcountable হয়, তবে pluralreferent pronoun বসাতে হবে।
Examples:Someof the marbles fell out of their bag.
Allof the jewelshave lost their glow.
এখানে Marble এবং Jewel শব্দদুটিcountable তাই pronoun টি Plural হবে।

Pronoun ‘One’ দ্বারা in general যে কোন ব্যক্তিকে বোঝায়। যখন কোন sentence one ব্যবহৃত হয় তখন পরবর্তীতে আবার তার কোন reference দিতে হলে one ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
Example:One should always do one’s homework.
এখানে প্রথমে one ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে এবং পরবর্তীতে one এর reference দিতে গিয়ে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে।

Inc: The Egyptians believed that after death, people would go to another world. One thought that in that world, people still would need many things he had on earth. (Kha Set-2018)
Corr: The Egyptians believed that after death, people would go to another world. They thought that in that world, people still would need many things they had on earth.

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

কিন্তু, one of the +Plural noun এভাবে থাকলে Possessive Pronoun “one’s” এর পরিবর্তে his/her হবে।
One of the students of this class has learnt his/her lesson.

One এর পূর্বে no, any, some, every, each এগুলো যুক্ত হলেও Possessive Pronoun “one’s” এর পরিবর্তে he/she হবে।
Someone has done his/herduty.

আবার You এর পরিবর্তে আমরা শুধুমাত্র you- ব্যবহার করব, অন্য কিছু নয়।
Example: You should always do your homework.

Noun বা antecedent টি যে Person এর Pronoun টিও সে Person এর ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
Incorrect:I want to be a teacher because you like working with children. (B.B-2017)
Correct: I want to be a teacher because Ilike working with children.
Incorrect: I should complete his syllabus.
Correct: I should complete my syllabus.

ানো বস্তু, শিশু, ইতরবাচক প্রাণী, অবস্থা ইত্যাদি বোঝানোর জন্য Pronoun হিসেবেit ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Pronoun Reference Rules (Video)

Incorrect:A cook once roasted a duck for its master. (D.B- 2016)
Correct:A cook once roasted a duck for hismaster.
Incorrect: The baby is crying for his mother.
Correct: The baby is crying for its mother.

**1stPerson, 2nd person, 3rd person এর Pronoun বা Noun যদি একই বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাহলে ভালো কাজের ক্ষেত্রে (231) এই নিয়মে হবে।অর্থ্যাৎ, প্রথমে 2nd person +3rd person+1stPerson হবে।
You, he and I went there.

**কিন্তু, দোষ স্বীকার করলে (123) হবে। উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই  Verb, Plural হবে।
I, you and he are to blame.
**1stPerson এর pronoun এর সঙ্গে 2nd /3rdPerson এর Pronoun, And দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকলে Possessive Pronoun হিসেবে 1st person এর plural form হবে।
You and I have prepared our home work.

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**কিন্তু, 3rd Person/ 2nd person, and দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকলে, তাদের Possessive Pronoun হিসেবে2ndperson এর plural form হবে।
He and you are doing your work.
Shuvo and you went there to see your garden.

**Not … but, Either…or, Neither… nor, Not only …. But also, শুধু …. or …. এদের বেলায় but, or, nor, But also এরপর যে subject থাকে সেই Subject অনুযায়ী (অর্থ্যাৎ নিকটবর্তী Antecedent অনুযায়ী) পরবর্তী Verb এবং Pronoun হবে। (অর্থ্যাৎ, but, or, nor, But also এরপর যদি Singular Subject থাকে তবে Pronoun হবে Singular| অন্যথায় Plural Pronoun হবে|)
Neither Rahim or his friend have finished their duty.
Neither John nor his friend has finished his duty.

Incorrect: Either Maliha or Karina plays with theirchildren.
Correct: Either Maliha or Karina plays with her children.
Incorrect: Neither my friend nor my brothers have bought saree for hismother.
Correct: Neither my friend nor my brothers have bought saree for theirmother.

**Pronoun কখনো Possessive Noun কে নির্দেশ করে না। কেননা Noun টি যখন Possessive হয় তা Adjective এর কাজ করে| তাই উক্ত Possessive Noun টির পরিবর্তে কোন Pronoun হয় না।
Incorrect: In the teacher’s attitudehe was very impartial.
Correct: Teacher’s attitude was very impartial.

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**Relative Pronoun কখনো Clause কে বোঝায় না বরং Relative Pronoun এর পূববর্তী Noun কে বোঝায়।
Incorrect: You kill time which is unwanted.
Correct: You kill time and that is unwanted.
Incorrect: I did not attend the function, which was very unusual of me.
Correct: I did not attend the function; my actions were very unusual.
Correct:My not attending the function was very unusual.

**পাঠককে সরাসরি সম্বোধন করে কোন কিছু লেখার ক্ষেত্রে YOU ব্যবহার করা হয়। কোন কোন লেখায়  You সরাসরি নির্দেশ করে না। In the fourteen century, you had to struggle to survive.
In the fourteen century, people had to struggle to survive.

**Pronoun Reference স্পষ্ট করার জন্য Demonstrative Adjective এর পূর্ববর্তী Sentence/ antecedent  এর তথ্য অনুযায়ী অবশ্যই  Noun বসাতে হবে।
Incorrect:Sunlight is the source of all energy of the earth. All the living beings are dependent upon this. (Din.B-2017)
Correct:Sunlight is the source of all energy of the earth. All the living beings are dependent upon thisenergy.

Inc: The sorrows and sufferings of the parents of those know no bounds. (D.B-2019)
Corr: The sorrows and sufferings of the parents of those children know no bounds. 
Incorrect:The transfer of food energy takes place from producers through a series of food levels. This is called food chain of food in the ecosystem.

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Correct: The transfer of food energy takes place from producers through a series of food levels. This tranfer is called food chain of food in the ecosystem.
Food chain does not work in isolation. These are linked together to form a food web.(Din.B-2017)
Correct: Food chain does not work in isolation. These chains are linked together to form al food web.

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**পূর্বে ব্যবহৃত Indefinite Pronoun কে পরবর্তীতে ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে Pronoun verb উভয়ই  Plural হবে।
Incorrect: You can ask the question anyone. He/shewill give the same answer.
Correct: You can ask the question anyone. They will give the same answer.

**Pronoun Reference স্পষ্ট করতে কিছু কিছু verb এর পর Reflexive Pronoun ব্যবহার করতে হয়।Reflexive Pronoun (Myself, yourself, herself, themselves). {Enjoy, pride, plume (eovB Kiv), absent, avail (Kv‡R jvMv‡bv)}.
Incorrect: The students enjoyed very much in the last vacation.
Correct: The students enjoyed themselves very much in the last vacation.
Incorrect: He availed of the opportunity.
Correct: He availed himself of the opportunity.
Incorrect: Do not pride on your wealth.
Correct: Do not pride yourself on your wealth.
Incorrect: She plumes of her beauty.
Correct: She plumes herself of her beauty.

**Sentence এর Complement এর মধ্যে যদি  Pronoun থাকে যা Subject কে নির্দেশ করে, সেক্ষেত্রে Pronoun টিReflexive Pronoun হবে।
Be careful or you will hurt yourself.

**Reflexive pronoun কখনো Subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় ন।
Incorrect:It is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, as will certainly happen if ourselves are disabled. (J.B-2016)
Correct:It is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, as will certainly happen if we are disabled.

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Dhaka Board-2019:Autism is a physical disorder of the brain who causes lifelong developmental disability. Unfortunately, a number of boys and girls become victim of it after their birth. Children with autism vary widely in their activities, abilities, behaviors etc. and the symptoms may appear differently in him. The sorrows and sufferings of the parents of those know no bounds. Though the autistic children are quite different in activities from the normal children, they should not be neglected. Rather, we have a great responsibility towards them.


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Ka Set-2018
There lived a man in a village which had a great attraction to English. He went to a teacher in order to learn English well though he was dull-headed. He tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three words- yes, no and very good. Though the man did not know the meaning of it, he used them frequently in his conversation. He did not understand that a little learning is a dangerous thing and very soon he would be a victim of it.  

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Kha Set-2018
The Egyptians believed that after death, people would go to another world. One thought that in that world, people still would need many things he had on earth. Their kings had many wonderful treasures. They loved and respected them very much. So, they buried them with dead kings.  

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Dinajpure Board-2017:Sunlight is the source of all energy of the earth. All the living beings are dependent upon this. Green plants are the producer of the ecosystem. All plants and animals of it are interconnected serially. Consequently, there develops a food chain among these. The transfer of food energy takes place from producers through a series of food levels. This is called food chain of food in the ecosystem. There are numerous food chains in an ecosystem.Food chain does not work in isolation. These are linked together to form al food web.

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Chittagong Board- 2017: A rich man went to a farmer with one thousand taka in a bag. He said to him, “Look, my friend, I have bought one thousand taka for you. Keep this money and remove your distress.” He was surprised. He took the bag from the rich man and thanked him. He said to himself, “One thousand taka is a lot of money.” He could not think where to keep the money. He did not find any safe place. He dug a hole in his hut and kept it there.

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Barishal Board- 2017:Teaching is profession who is full of challenge. I want to be a teacher because you like working with children. But my father argues that one cannot make much money from it. He wants me to look after their farms instead. But this does not inspire me much.

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Sylhet Board- 2017: Books are medium through which human beings talk with enlightened minds, the great men of the world. They are our best friends. They introduce them to the life and the world. Books are the mirrors of past, present and even future. These are having an active voice. We know about the thoughts and deeds of our ancestors through it. They make the noble men alive in the world for ever.

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Jessore Board- 2017: Mendela left public life in June 2014 telling his adoring countrymen not to call them. Regarding it, Nadine Gordimer said, “He is at the epicenter of his time, our in South Africa and your, wherever you are.”

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Rajshahi Board- 2017:Education is the birth right of every man. But even then many people in our country are deprived of this for many reasons. They are unconscious and unskilled for want of it. For this, they are unable not only to develop their own fate of their family, but also unable to play any role for the development of society or the state. If the people are not properly educated, that is not possible. So, the more we can educate our people, the more the country will be developed. With a view to developing human resource, the government has given many incentives in the field of expanding the primary and the secondary education. We must ensure these for every child of the country.

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Dinajpur Board- 2016 + Comilla Board- 2017 + Dhaka Board- 2017: Travelling is the part of education. These means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. Thus gives us one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This limits his vision. However, by travelling to different parts of the world, my knowledge can be enriched.

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Barishal Board- 2016:Women are nowadays as important as men in society. She constitute nearly half of our total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of it in darkness. Without the uplift of women, it is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So, proper education should be given to her so that they can work hand in hand with them in all development programmes. (B.B + C.B-2016)

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Salam and Salma are siblings. They read in a local primary school. Salam is in class five whereas her sister, Salma, reads in class three. They go to school together. Sometimes they take rickshaw because it is five kolometres away from his home. Today, she is going to school with her father because her brother, he is sick. Salam is taking medicine and bed rest. (R.B-2016)

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On a summer day, becoming very thirsty, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. Those fiercely quarreled which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in mortal fighting. On his stopping on a sudden to take breath for renewal of the fighting, it saw some vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once stopped the quarrel, saying, “That is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, as will certainly happen if ourselves are disabled.” (J.B-2016)

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Life is full of struggles. These are quite normal in any one’s life as it is not a bed of roses. Certainly, it has ups and downs. A man has to face innumerable barriers in his life. Sometimes, he can overcome those but sometimes he fails to combat them. He may be born with silver spoon without any trouble. But even then he has to overcome a lot of such to be successful in life. In other words, life is fullof challenges. If he cannot fight them successfully, his life becomes full of sorrows. Though the scholars differ in giving the definition of life, they are unanimous that obstacles are the ways of life. In fact, a man has to undergo many in his life. (Ctg. B- 2016)

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A cook once roasted a duck for its master. He looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks.When he sat down to eat the meal, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked him what had happened to the other leg. The cook told him that it had one leg only. The master said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck but the cook insisted that every duck had only one leg. (D.B-2016)

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A stormy night is fearful and horrible. They causes untold sufferings to the people. In a storm nigh, the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heard. The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound of storm. In addition to it, there is thundering and lightening. The frequent thundering and lightening causes much terror and fear in the mind of the people whom always think that this night may be the end of our lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. Storm causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away. Many trees are uprooted. A large number of houses and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. That is thus a dreadful night to the people. (S.B-2016)

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Once two women came to King Solomon’s court with a baby and each of them claimed that they were the mother of that baby. He thought for while and got a brilliant idea. He ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to them. The real mother of the baby became very nervous by this, but the other woman was totally untouched by the event. The king noticed the change in the face of her and handed over the baby to her and punished the other woman. (100-ND)

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Mr. EmdadurRahman is a renowned English teacher of BN College. He is my motivator and mentor. I regard him as his most respectable person. He is their English teacher too. That is highly talented and qualified. His pleasing manner, imposing personality have conquered my heart and made him a true votary of him. That is, also polite, charming and intelligent. (101-ND) Test paper- 2016

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