Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla তে সহজভাবে Subject-verb Agreement এর নিয়ম ও ব্যবহার তুলে ধরা হলো। নিয়মিত চর্চা করুন। নিজেকে এক্সপার্ট করে গড়ে তুলুন।
1. Subject এবং verb উভয়ই singular অথবা উভয়ই plural হতে হবে।
Subject and verb must agree with each other in number. Both must be singular, or both must be a plural
He eats rice.
They eat rice.
2. কিছু শব্দ subject এবং verb এর মাঝামাঝিতে বসে subject সম্পর্কে কিছু বলে। এরা subject-verb agreement এ কোন প্রভাব ফেলে না।
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
Some words come between the subject and verb and state something about the subject. They don’t affect the agreement.
The man, carrying the bag, goes to the market.
3. Subject সাধারণত prepositional phrase এর আগে বসে।
A subject will come before a prepositional phrase.
A bunch of roses is spreading the beauty of this stage. (correct)
A bunch of roses are spreading the beauty of this stage. (incorrect)
4. দুইটি singular subject যখন or, either/or, বা neither/nor দ্বারা সংযুক্ত থাকে, তখন singular verb ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Two singular subjects that are connected by or, either/or, or neither/nor, use a singular verb.
My brother or my sister is coming today.
Either Mou or Akash is trying to buy the smartphone.
Neither Asif nor Abir is going to Chittagong.
5. কোন বাক্যে or, either/or, বা neither/nor থাকলে, verb নিকটবর্তী noun বা pronoun-কে অনুসরণ করে।
The sentence contains or, either/or, or neither/nor, the verb agrees with the noun or pronoun closest to it.
Either you or he has gone to the party.
Neither she nor I have attended the meeting.
Neither she, her friends, nor I am going to the competition.
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
6. উভয় subject ই যদি plural হয় এবং “and”, “or”, “nor”, “neither/nor”, “either/or”, and “not only/but also” দ্বারা সংযুক্ত থাকে তাহলে verb ও plural হবে।
If both the subjects are plural and connected with the words “and”, “or”, “nor”, “neither/nor”, “either/or”, and “not only/but also”, then the verb will be in plural form.
Men and women both are entered the room.
Not only teachers and but also students are requested to participate the event.
7. দুই বা ততোধিক subject যদি and দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকে তখন plural verb ব্যবহৃত হয়।
A plural verb is used when two or more subjects are connected by ‘and’.
I, you and Marsha are going to attend the party.
My uncle, aunt, and cousin are coming to visit our village.
8. দুই বা ততোধিক subject যদি and দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকে এবং একজন single ব্যক্তি বা একটি বস্তুকে নির্দেশ করে তখন singular verb বসে।
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
When two or more subjects are connected by ‘and’ and refer to a singular thing, then the verb will be a singular form.
Fried rice and chicken is his favorite
9. কিছু শব্দ আছে যারা বাক্যে subject এবং verb কে বিচ্ছিন্ন করে কিন্তু তারা subject অথবা verb এর কোন অংশ নয়। যেমন: along with, as well as, besides, not etc.
‘Along with, as well as, besides, not, etc. are not the part of the subject. They may separate the subject and verb in a sentence, but they are not the part of the sentence.
The great, writer, along with the cameramen, is given a short
Excitement, as well as, nervousness is the main reason to fail in the exam.
10. Parentheses, subject এর অংশ নয়।
Parentheses are not the part of the subject.
She (and her make-up men) was always helpful.
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
11. কোন বাক্য যদি there অথবা here দিয়ে শুরু হয় তাহলে সবসময় subject অনুযায়ী verb ব্যবহৃত হয়।
When the sentence begins with the word ‘there’ or ‘here’, the subject is placed after the verb.
So, it is important to identify the verb correctly.
There is a problem with this experiment.
Here are the pens you wanted.
12. Verb singular হবে যদি each, every, no শব্দগুলোর যে কোন একটি subject এর পূর্বে বসে।
The verb will be a singular verb if the words “each”, “every”, or “no” come before the subject.
No smoking is allowed.
Every girl and boy is needed to pass the written test.
Each of the girls is showing their ID cards.
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
13. Verb, preposition এর object এর উপর নির্ভর করে বসাতে হবে যদি কোন বাক্য “some”, “half”, “none”, “more” বা “all” দিয়ে শুরু হয়।
When “some”, “half”, “none”, “more” or “all” comes before a prepositional phrase then the verb will be determined by the object of the preposition.
Some of the boys were present.
All of the girls were very cute.
All of the girls were very nice.
None of the girls was present in the class.
14. বাক্যে পরিমাপ এবং সময়ের ক্ষেত্রে singular verb ব্যবহৃত হয়।
The singular verb is used during the units of measurement and time in the sentence.
Five liters of water is needed to prepare the food.
Twenty hours is required to make the boiler.
15. Subject যদি “everyone”, “everybody”, “none” or “nobody” হয় তাহলে verb এর singular form হবে।
If the subject is “everyone”, “everybody”, “none” or “nobody”, the verb will be singular form.
Everybody is welcome here.
Everyone likes to be rewarded.
Nobody comes home.
None is perfect.
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
16. Subject যদি “few”, “all”, “many”, “both”, “several”, এবং “some” হয় তাহলে verb, plural form হবে।
If the subject is “few”, “all”, “many”, “both”, “several”, and “some”, then the verb will be plural form.
Few are attended in the class.
All are requested to take the seat.
17. বাক্যে subject যদি gerund অথবা infinitive হয় তাহলে verb এর singular form হবে।
When gerunds or infinitives are used as the subject in a sentence, then the verb will follow the singular form.
To stand under the tree during an earthquake is not safe.
Doing morning walk is very good for health and blood circulation.
18. Collective noun, herd, Senate, class, crowd থাকলে verb এর singular form হয়।
“Herd”, “Senate”, “class”, “crowd” take a singular verb form.
The class is canceled.
If the subject is the name or the title of books, novels, movies, etc. then the verb is singular.
19. Subject যদি কোন বই, নভেল, বা মুভির নাম হয় তাহলে verb এর singular form হবে।
Subject-Verb Agreement Bangla
Hajar Bochor Dhore is a novel written by Jahir Raihan.
Doob is a movie made by Mostafa Sarwar Faruki.
20. বাক্যে যদি একটি positive এবং একটি negative subject থাকে, এবং একটি singular ও অপরটি plural form হয় তাহলে verb, positive subject কে follow করবে।
If the sentence contains a positive and a negative subject, one is singular, and another is plural form, then the verb will follow the positive subject.
Not the villagers but the chairman tries to do good for the village.
The villagers but not the chairman try to do good for the village.
সর্বোপরি, এটা মনে রাখা জরুরি যে, শুধু মাত্র subject ই verb কে প্রভাবিত করতে পারে। Please, notice that only the subject can affect the verbs.